
How Ad Networks Can Build World-Class Reach and Reputation

By: Charlene Lazewski

When it comes to online advertising, you don’t have to hustle and fight tooth and nail to push your ads. You can join a lovely thing called Ad Networks, and let them connect you and your ads  to publishers or websites that are looking to host advertisements just likes yours. Hence, making the life of both an advertiser and a publisher a lot easier. Genius idea indeed. Which is exactly why there are now hundreds of ad networks to choose from.

Being that there are so many ad networks to choose from, you have to really nit pick what caters to your specific website the best. Take in mind your audience, topics, themes, and format, for starters. Which ad networks feed best to into those categories for your site. Once you figure that out, you’ll be able to select an ad network with the best benefits, revenue, reach and reputation for your site.

Obviously, you don’t have to work with just one ad network. You can work with as many as you wish. The idea is that ad networks facilitate the overall search of publishers for the right advertisements. It lessens stress, and time, and allows you to achieve the maximum revenue that your site is capable of earning.

Aside from revenue, ad networks are also connecting you to audiences that you may have not reached before. Think of it as your website being a person at a convention. One CEO of a media company introduces you to 4 important people in “the biz”, and then 2 of those 4, take you and introduce you to a friend who just so happens to be a CEO of another media company. And so on. You went into the convention alone, but now have come out with 20 new connections. Ad networks, increase your reach in the same manner.

Ad networks will cater the ads obviously to your site’s themes/topics. Therefore, the ads that are posted on your site via the ad network, will essentially assist in the aesthetic, appearance, and reputation of your site. So, as opposed to not being involved with an ad network, and having random ads floating around your site, you’ll have ads that are much more related to your site, and cohesive. Essentially, the ad networks tweek the ads selected for your site to such perfection, that the ads will seem like part of the site’s content. This will increase your followers and readership. People don’t like to be forced into ads and gimmicks when visiting sites. Therefore, the seamless advertisement postings on your site via ad networks will establish a trustworthy reputation to audiences across the globe.

Ad networks are a must if you are wanting to create a strong voice and influence within your site. You can only benefit from them.

What You Want Is What You Shall Receive, Love, The Genie In YOU

By: Charlene Lazewski

We’re all guilty of thinking we don’t deserve what we truly want, at some points in our lives. Essentially, we think too highly of our visions and goals at times. But, really, we deserve everything we envision for ourselves. Our goals, are design points for our lives. And, you are your own designer, so make of your life/goals, whatever you desire. You are your own personal genie in a sense. Want it, need it, get it.
We’re socialized to think that we have to work that 9-5 job every single day. We’re programmed to think that the right thing to do is to wake up, clock in, and do the same work each and every day of our lives. So, what is socially correct, is to basically be a robot that enjoys monotony.

But, no one needs to live by these standards. There is no contract that you sign as an adult that binds you to this form of making a living. So, why are so many people conformed to it? It’s because people set subconscious limitations to what they truly desire to do for a living. It’s like having a nightmare while we sleep. We don’t make ourselves have the nightmare. It just happens because our minds are more powerful then we are. So, here’s what you do….you take that almighty mind of yours, and tell it what you really want in a career. Then, the “nightmare”, will become a dream turned reality.

Everyone has that inhibited career goal within them. They may think it would take too long to get there, or it’d be too risky, or perhaps others wouldn’t buy into your business idea. Scary, right? But, you know what is scarier? Never taking that chance. Never pushing yourself to start your own business, and bring your creativity and ideas into fruition. Never ever knowing what could have been a true success story….that is very scary.

We get just one chance at this life. We all grow to have different ideas and inspirations that make us unique and different from every single other person on this planet. We are individuals that can each offer the world different types of expertise, products, services, etc. Our minds are like no one else’s. So, that alone should be reason enough to believe that your business idea will work. That unique mind of yours, created a concept that no other person has. It’s your idea, your passion, your dream, your goal, so make it happen. No one else has the power to make it happen. You are your own genie.

Your vision, your career goals, and your dream life, can only be determined by your efforts. No one else can push you better than yourself. It’s your job to lead yourself towards the road of entrepreneurial success.

The task is simple. Don’t let your mind be captured by the norms of society. Knock them down. And do only what is beyond your expectations and theirs’. The result is a self made, genie who made their career goals come true.